


Exclusively dedicated to Bernard Buffet, this website presents a selection of the best works to have passed through our hands over the past ten years.

Since 2005, SOUZY Gallery has dedicated increasing space to this great artist, contributing to his international influence.

Each painting, each drawing, and each watercolor has been the subject of a rigorous selection process to meet our requirements of quality and authenticity, as well as aesthetics.

“Our paintings” reflect the taste, both eclectic and demanding that we espouse with any new acquisition, whether it be a portrait of a clown, a bouquet of brightly colored flowers, or a Breton beach under a gray sky.

Most of the paintings we present here now belong to private collections, but the emotions they conveyed to us remain intact.

Bernard Buffet was a painter with an abundant artistic output. Our role today is to make an extremely careful selection of his work in order to present only the best.

Our new acquisitions also appear on this site in order to arouse the interest of well-informed collectors and fans alike, enabling them to discover his immense talent.